

  • A kind of directory service on Win Server, other directory service OpenLDAP, Apache directory server
  • Basically a centralized DB storing objects
  • An obj could be a user, group, computer. each obj has some attributes, such as first name, email, credentials, permissions etc
  • Intra-site replica (automatically) and inter-site replica (IP/SMTP) between Domain Controllers (AD Servers).
  • support kerberos and LDAP protocol
  • forest -> domain -> child domain -> OU (group, user, computer, ...) -> CN (user/server name)
  • DC -> OU -> CN
  • DN: the LDAP API references an LDAP obj by its distinguished name
  1. Learn Microsoft Active Directory (ADDS) in 30mins
  2. What are CN, OU, DC in an LDAP search


  • C/S model, LDAP server (most case AD server) store dir entry in a tree structure
  • cross platform interface/protocol for querying/communicating with dir service, such as AD

The Difference Between Active Directory and LDAP

What is the difference between Kerberos and LDAP

network basics

IP addr

  • private ip
  • localhost: device establish network to itself, (IPv4), ::1 (IPv6)
  • CIDR: notation, variable-length subnet mask,
  • default gateway: a device (router) between local network and other network (such as Internet)
    1. route packet to appropriate external network, when there is no routing info available about dest
    2. obtain device MAC addr in another network using ARP
  • VLAN: logical group of devices, seperate different traffic (different departments) and narrow broadcast domain, switch use VLAN ID (1-4094) identify each VLAN
    1. port-based VLAN: port1-3 vlan1, port2-8 vlan2
    2. protocol based; IP/IPX
    3. MAC-based
  • DMZ

VRF - virtual routing and forwarding

  • allows more than 1 routing table on single router, similar to VLANs on switches

VRF – Virtual Routing and Forwarding



  • SSH: remote access, file transfer, remote cmd execution, SSH tunnel
    1. Authentication: pw, public key, host-based
    2. port forwarding: tunnel to other protocols (HTTP, FTP)
    3. secure file transfer: SCP (secure copy protocol), SFTP (ssh file transfer protocol)
    4. encryption
  • RDP: tcp 3389
    1. multi-platform support
    2. encryption, authentication
    3. dynamic resolution adjustment, clipboard sharing


  • HTTP: stateless (not retain session state from prev req, indepedent reqs between each other)


Can someone please explain Windows Service Principle Names (SPNs) without oversimplifying

What is Azure Service Principal


  • DDI mgt: DNS, DHCP, IP

layer 4 vs layer 7 FW

  • layer 7: application layer inspect, such as URLs

load balancer

  • traffic routing, SSL offloading, session stickiness or HTTP profiles

bandwidth mgt

  • full BW, business down, how to solve???


  • protocol for communicating between proxy/gateway and content adaptation server (ICAP server)
  • ICAP server can modify/analyse request and response content, for virus scan, ad filtering etc

What is ICAP Protocol


  • assign IP automatically based on MAC when connect to network
  • process
    1. discover: broadcast to locate a DHCP server
    2. offer: unicast containing IP etc
    3. req: confirm IP and other info
    4. ack: server confirm the assignment


  • MS maintains its nameserver storing all final DNS records (A, MX, CNAME)

DNS NS record

DNS basics


  • middleman between LAN and Internet, translate private IP to a single shared public IP
  • implement on router, FW
    1. static nat: 1-1 mappings
    2. dynamic nat: 1-1 mappings, but public IP chosen from a pool
    3. port address translation (PAT): multiple private IP maps to a single public IP, but change to diff ports
  • how to operate
    1. outbound: change source IP (private) to NATed IP (public on router)
    2. inbound: change destination IP (public on router) to NATed IP (private)

Network address translation


  • IP -> MAC, route data within same LAN
  • broadcast ARP req, all devices compare target IP with own IP, send ARP reply (contain MAC) if match
  • update ARP cache (IP-to-MAC mappings)
  • security concerns: ARP poisoning, etc


  • eBGP: route between autonomous systems
  • iBGP: used within AS
  • BGP table:

How does BGP routing work


  • manager machine (run software as NMS/network management system), managed machine, SNMP agent (software installed on managed machine)
  • manager send reqs for info, managed machine response
  • SNMP Trap: an agent can send unrequested msg to manager to notify an important event


  • RTO is the goal your organization sets for the max length of time it should take to restore normal operations following an outage or data loss
  • RPO is your goal for the max amount of data the organization can tolerate losing. This parameter is measured in time: from the moment a failure occurs to your last valid data backup. For example, if you experience a failure now and your last full data backup was 24 hours ago, the RPO is 24 hours.

location, domain, vDOM, zone, vlan, subnet

Troubleshooting tools


  • mainly for DNS, supports various DNS record types

dig - domain info groper

  • DNS query

port scanner

  • Nmap: host discovery, port scanning through ICMP echo req, TCP SYN/ACK probes, ARP scans
  • Masscan,


  • ICMP Echo Req and Echo Reply
  • ping example.com
  • use
    1. verify remote device is active and responding
    2. identify latency
    3. test resolution of domain name -> IP
  • some servers may configured not respond to ICMP reqs -> no respond/time out


  • Win only, display network config settings


  • packet filtering, add/delete FW rules in Linux: INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD
  • will lost when system reboot, can save and persistent


  • view device's ARP cache
  • ARP spoofing (Poisoning): link attacker's MAC to legitimate IP, thus intercept and DoS attacks
  • monitor ARP traffic, use static ARP table, employ NIPS/NIDS


  • network connections, routing tables, interface stat



  • capture packets, and filter based on IP/protocol/port
  • other packet sniffer: Wireshark, Npcap


  • view and manipulate IP routing table, need admin privileges


  • identify each hop and RTT
  • cross OS,
  • some routers may discard ICMP echo reqs


  • combine traceroute and ping

Network-based attacks


  • flooding by sending massive reqs, overwhelming server capacity
  • Ping of Death: send large, malformed ICMP packets
  • Distributed DoS: UDP or HTTP flood


  • DNS cache poisoning
  • DDoS
  • DNS hijacking


  • collection of protocols and encryption algorithms, operates at the network layer
  • Authentication, Confidentiality, Data Integrity, Anti-Replay Protection
  • Components
    1. AH (Authentication Header): add an authentication header to each IP packet
    2. ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload): ESP provides confidentiality by encrypting the data in IP packets
  • modes
    1. Transport Mode: IPSec is applied only to the payload of an IP packet
    2. Tunnel Mode: IPSec is applied to the entire IP packet, including the header
  • process
    1. establish a security association (SA), contains the necessary information, such as encryption keys and chosen encryption algorithms, for secured communication. The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol is widely used to create and manage SAs
    2. exchange data with key

Linux systemd service

  • system service: /etc/systemd/system/xxx.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/xxx.service
    1. root user
    2. sudo systemctl enable xxx.service
    3. config files auto generates in /etc/xxx/
  • user service to all users: /etc/systemd/user/xxx.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/user/xxx.service
    1. service avaiable to all users at once
  • user service to specific user: ~/.config/systemd/user/xxx.service
    1. systemctl --user enable xxx.service
    2. need have its own config files if it's a self-defined service

if sudo yum install httpd, then for a specific service xxx, its config file is in /etc/xxx/

/etc/xxx/conf  # main file is /etc/xxx/conf/xxx.conf

Placing httpd config outside /etc/httpd/conf

How to create a systemd service in Linux

Systemd 入门教程:实战篇

systemd user services and systemctl --user


sql injection

systemid/service account vs user account

  • non-human privileged account, can query AD etc
  • identify different programs to give them different authrizations

Service Accounts Vs. User Accounts: What Is The Difference

What is the difference between user and service account


  • AWS S3, object (blob) storage
  • block storage
  • Dropbox

network bandwidth QoS???

  • query DNS -> tcp -> https (verify cert)
  • local DNS record: C:, IP tab hostname

Self signed ssl I created for localhost cannot be trusted even though I have already imported it to chrome

root CA is self-signed


Spring Boot Swagger

Why Do We Need a Message Queue

How to use sudo with the -i option

How To Add A DNS Entry Manually To A Windows Computer

An introduction to Linux filesystems

